Dear Families,


As we get closer to the end of the school year, we wanted to share information with you about upcoming events.


Once again we plan to hold a ceremony for each 8th-grade team and we anticipate the ceremonies will last approximately 60-75 minutes. The ceremonies will be in the auditorium, which will allow for air-conditioning and spacing. Each student will be allowed to bring three guests and students will remain at school for a full day after their ceremony.


Please see the schedule below:

  • Wednesday, June 12 - Integrity - 9:00 am

  • Wednesday, June 12 - Tenacity - 11:00 am

  • Wednesday, June 12 - Unity - 1:00 pm

The ceremonies will be live-streamed on the Educational Channel in Sudbury, Comcast 9/Verizon 32..


We often receive questions about what students should wear to the promotion ceremonies. Students should dress in comfortable and appropriate clothing, and we are not expecting any formal or fancy attire.


In addition to the ceremonies, we plan to offer some special events throughout the week for the students:

  • Monday, June 10:
    Donut Party

  • Tuesday, June 11:
    Volleyball Tournament/Ice Cream Truck

  • Wednesday, June 12:
    Moving-On Ceremonies

Thursday, June 13 is the last day of school for all students with a dismissal time of 12:45.



Jeff Mela, Principal
Angela Menke, Assistant Principal

Christina Pappas, 8th Grade CPO Co-chair


Signups to volunteer to help will be coming. Please contact Christina Pappas with questions.